
An Egg is a super-food. By eating it, you get protein, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids. While the protein strengthens our body's muscles, calcium strengthens teeth and bones. Omega 3 fatty acids present in the egg make good cholesterol in the body that is HDL.

Egg: Health Benefits and Nutrients

An Egg is a super-food. By eating Egg, you get protein, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids. While the protein strengthens our body's muscles, calcium strengthens teeth and bones. Omega 3 fatty acids present in the egg make good cholesterol in the body that is HDL. There are very few things to eat and drink in which omega 3 fatty acids are found and the egg is one of them. The egg is not just a source of protein, but it has many other great advantages. If you include eggs in your diet, you can find health and extraordinary benefits.

Egg Yolk

The Egg yolk is the part of the egg that nourishes the developing embryo. The egg yolk part is attached to one or two curved fibers from the egg white part. Which are made by tissues called chalazae.

As a food egg yolk is a major source of vitamins and minerals. Egg yolk contains about one-fifth of fat, cholesterol, and protein. The yolk is equal to 33 percent of the liquid part of the egg. It contains about 60 calories, three times the calories of white part.

In a large egg (total 50 grams, yolk 17 grams), approximately 2.7 grams of protein, 210 grams of cholesterol, 0.61 grams of carbohydrate and 4.51 grams of total fat are found.

All types of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are found in egg yolk. Egg yolk is one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D.

Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

  • The egg is very helpful in controlling your weight. You do not feel hungry after eating the egg and you avoid overeating. If you want to lose weight then eat only white part of the egg because cholesterol is very high in the yellow part. Eggs are specially included in the diet of people who go to the gym. But they are advised to eat only white portions. Those who have weight gain should eat the yellow part of the egg specifically.
  • Carotenides are found in the egg, which is very important for eye health. Carotenides strengthen the eyes muscles. Eating an egg daily does not cause cataract. Antioxidants present in it, work to strengthen retina.
  • Omega 3, vitamin and fatty acids present in the eggs are very beneficial for the brain. Choline is found in the egg, so the yardstick is sharp and the brain remains active. Also present in the egg vitamin B-12 to help relieve tension. Eggs also contain some elements that remove the depression and make the mood good.
  • The yellow egg contains biotin which strengthens the hair and gives the skin tightening. Using egg yolk as a face pack, you can reduce skin wrinkles.
  • Eating eggs gives your body plenty of energy. Eating eggs in breakfast will keep you energized throughout the day. Moreover, it is also an increase in your performance.
  • The egg is also a healthy food in pregnancy. It helps in the physical and mental development of the infant. Apart from this, it caters the essential nutrients in the body. Doctors also recommend eating eggs during this period.
  • Use of eggs every day is very beneficial to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. It also enhances your functionality.


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