HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus. Which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In which the immune system begins to fail. As a result of this, such infections occur, which are at risk of death. the immune system helps the body fight off infections. HIV infects kills CD4 cells, which are a type of immune system called T cells.

What is HIV?

HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus. Which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In which the immune system begins to fail. As a result of this, such infections occur, which are at risk of death. the immune system helps the body fight off infections. HIV infects kills CD4 cells, which are a type of immune system called T cells. HIV kills more CD4 cells, Due to the death of CD4 cells, the body is more likely to get different types of infections.

HIV is Transmitted Through Natural Liquids That Include:-

Blood, Sperm, Vaginal And Rectal fluids, Breast milk.

There is currently no cure for HIV, although many scientists are working to find a cure. However, with the treatment, treatment called antiretroviral therapy, it is possible to manage HIV and live with the virus for many years. Without treatment, the person with HIV is likely to have a serious illness known as AIDS. At that point, the immune system is very weak to fight other diseases and infections. Untreated, with AIDS life expectancy, is about three years. With antiretroviral therapy, HIV can be well controlled.

What is AIDS?

AIDS is the situation after HIV infection. In which humans lose their natural immunity.Any infection due to the work of immune system in the AIDS sufferer's body, meaning that from any common cold, any disease is easily done and it becomes difficult to cure them.HIV. Transition can take 8 to 10 years or more to reach AIDS status. A person with HIV can live for many years without any special symptoms.

AIDS is one of the biggest health problems of the present age, that is, it is a pandemic. It is believed that the first virus of the disease: HIV, was found in the monkey of a special species of Africa, and from there it spread to the whole world. With the discovery of AIDS in 1981, about 300 million people have lost their lives.

A person has to have contracted HIV To develop AIDS, But having HIV doesn't necessarily mean that will develop AIDS.

Progress Three Stages Cases of HIV:-

  1. The first few weeks after transmission, acute stage.
  2. Chronic stage or clinical latency.
  3. AIDS.
HIV CD4 reduces the cell number, because of which the immune system is weak. An adult CD4 count is 500 to 1,500 per cubic millimeter. A person with a count of 200 per cubic millimeter is considered to be AIDS.

HIV can be controlled. But there is no cure for those who have HIV, they can lead normal lives by treating with antiretroviral therapy. Treatment can increase the CD4 count of that person to the point where they are no longer considered AIDS.

Symptoms of AIDS:-

Often people infected with HIV do not have any symptoms of AIDS for a long time. For long periods (3, 6 months or more), HIV will not even emerge in the medical examination. Most AIDS sufferers have a fever, but it does not recognize AIDS. There are some early signs of AIDS.
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Cholera
  • Nausea and starvation
  • Lymphitis
Keep in mind that all of these symptoms can be of ordinary fever or other common diseases. Therefore, AIDS can be identified only and only through medicinal testing.

Some of the ways HIV is spread include:-

  • The most common way of transmission of HIV through sex.
  • By sharing needles for injection drug use.
  • By sharing tattoo equipment.
  • During pregnancy, the woman from child to childbirth.
  • During breastfeeding.
  • By feeding the kids before feeding meals.
  • HIV contact with blood, such as through needle.

HIV does NOT spread through:-

  • Contact skin-to-skin 
  • Hugging,  kissing,and shaking hands.
  • Water and air.
  • Sharing drink and food.
  • Sharing a bedding, toilet, towels etc. 
  • Mosquitoes .

How to Avoid AIDS:-

  • Be loyal to your spouse. Do not have sex with more than one person.
  • Always use condoms during sexual intercourse.
  • If you are infected with HIV or AIDS, then be sure to disclose this to your spouse. Keep things hidden and in this situation your partner can also be infected and your child may be affected.
  • Never donate blood if you are infected with HIV or AIDS.
  • Before taking blood, insist on taking HIV blood test.
  • If you are suspected to be infected with HIV, immediately take your HIV test.


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